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Earthborn Bundle Of 10

Earthborn Bundle Of 10

Regular price €134,18 EUR
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A complex form of superior mirage that is seen in a narrow band right above the horizon; Italian translation of “Morgan the Fairy”, it was believed that these mirages over the Strait of Messina were fairy castles in the air or false land created by her witchcraft to lure sailors to their deaths
Semi-sheer multichrome that shifts purple-orange-gold-line with blue, silver, and pink sparkles
The composite material produced by some molluscs as an inner shell layer; the material of which pearls are composed
Iridescent multichrome that shifts soft gold-teal-blue-lilac with teal, gold, green, orange sparkles
A bluish-green encrustation or patina formed on copper or brass by atmospheric oxidation
 A multichrome that shifts dusty rose-gold-lime-sage-teal
A type of rainbow that occurs when fog or small clouds experience sunlight passing through them
An iridescent multichrome that shifts from lilac-pink-peach-gold-green with vibrant fuchsia sparkles
A volcanic vent produced in a solid rock structure by the explosive energy of gases in magma
A grey-based multichrome that shifts from vibrant red-orange-gold-chartreuse
An atmospheric optical phenomenon that consists of a bright spot to one or both sides of the Sun
A soft grey-blue multichrome that shifts fiery orange-gold-yellow-lime
An optical phenomenon that appears as a horizontal reddish glow near the horizon opposite to the Sun when the solar disk is just below the horizon
Semi-sheer multichrome that shifts from periwinkle-lilac-pink-peach-gold-green-teal

The brightening of a thunderhead crown followed by the appearance of aurora-like streamers emanating into the clear atmosphere
Semi-sheer multichrome that shifts from dusty rose-peach-gold-green with fuchsia and silver sparkles.
The animal life of a particular region, geological period or environment; derived from the name Fauna, a Roman goddess of earth and fertility.
A grey based multichrome that shifts from antique gold-pewter-olive-lime-teal with a metallic finish 
A bright appearance of the sky caused by reflection from a distant ice sheet
An iridescent multichrome that shifts from spicy orange-gold-green-teal with blue, purple, gold, and silver sparkles
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